Anaerobic Digestion
and Biomethane
Our team members have over 20 years of experience of researching and optimising anaerobic processes for biogas or biomethane production.
We provide technical advice on all aspects of optimising biogas and biomethane production, including:
- Feedstock management, diversification and pre-treatment
- Microbial population health checks
- Digester operational strategies
- Macro and micro nutrient availability
- Biological utilisation of CO₂
- Digestate processing and nutrient recovery
- Novel products and bio-refining
- Integration of anaerobic digestion with other industrial, agricultural and sustainable systems
Our Services
The Aeriogen Process
(Biological Power to e-methane)
We will integrate with your existing teams and partners to develop and implement your e-methane production system.

Get in Contact
If you think that your organisation
(or plant) could benefit from our
expertise, please get in contact.